Great start

Our trip starts from Charles’ place with a bit of a twist this time; Penny’s joining us and Bill’s staying home after a scare from his mom (stitches and a black eye – I didn’t ask too many questions)

We had a pleasant surprise when Tracy pulled up the driveway to see us off.

Ontario towns

After Kenmore – homestead of Joanne as well as one of Bill’s many residences – we arrived in Morewood where we grabbed drinks and relaxed in the park.


Chesterville was next where one of the locals suggested we try Fat Les’s which just opened that day! It hit the spot! I’ve lived in Ottawa for over thirty years and have never visited these little gems is Eastern Ontario.

Warm showers

The real gem will be our hosts for the night and their wonderful farmstead. This is only my third Warn Shower experience and they’ve been great, Monday’s stay will be one to remember fondly. Lauren and Tom were so kind. They shared time and refreshments with us while telling us about their home purchase and subsequent renovations about which they were very proud and rightfully so.

Lauren and Tom

They’re both actors and musicians at Upper Canada Village so we’ve threatened to visit to check out their talents.

Day two

In the morning, after the cock crowed twice, we were pleasantly surprised with an offer to share breakfast with Tom and Lauren. Tom had made this incredible frittata with great coffee to boot.

After signing the guest book we bid farewell to our hosts heading south to the St. Lawrence. We’ll be following the river for the whole day into a very strong wind.

Long Sault Parkway

4 Replies to “Great start”

  1. At the gazebo, is Penny being affectionate or are you getting a well deserved talking to?

  2. Was wondering the same as Bill….what did you say or do this time around???? Hope the beautiful weather follows you guys thruout your journey… we are dealing with black flies galore at the cottage…

    • You two just don’t understand what true passion looks like!!! Cannot believe the weather so far!
