Loved the Chanterelle on to Whycocomagh

As you know, we made a last minute change and ended up staying at the Chanterelle Inn. When I left off in the previous entry we were talking to Nancy, our server, why enjoying some local craft beer (Big Spruce). The dinner was very tasty including a glass of Nova Scotia wine. We finished with coffee and then the dessert I had purchased at the Clucking Hen. We could barely keep our eyes open at dinner, got back to our room and lay down for a few minutes—I woke up at one o’clock.

Breakfast was equally enjoyable and though we could have lingered for a day, we new we had 80 kilometres to go; once again, against the prevailing wind. The Cabot Trail lead us to the Trans Canada where we stopped for a snack in a cemetery. Both of us were a little anxious seeing the number and speed of the trucks going by. The road was a pleasant surprise with a wide shoulder protected by a rumble strip. We left the highway for a quieter road leading down to Baddeck, a hopping place right on the Bra D’Or lakes. You’ll never guess, more Big Spruce beer and a delicious meal on the wharf at the Freight Shed Bistro:

The remainder of the journey to our motel was along the highway, switching who was drafting every five kilometres. Quick swim, walk to the grocery store for dinner and once again, not too much left in our tanks. Tomorrow’s a shorter day and our last day of cycling.

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