On the road again

Made great time starting out, taking a break at Rideau Provincial Park. Made friends with the Warden after putting a $20 in the pop machine and then reading the “exact change only” sign.

I’ve discovered that writing after a long, hot ride is not easy. I’ll keep it short.

It was great to be on a loaded bike heading out on an adventure. A stop along the Rideau canal and then a big breakfast in Merrickville got me fueled up to head south toward Brockville. I’ve never drank so much water and for a first – Gatorade.

I zipped through Brockville avoiding the temptation of the 1000 Islands Brewery with my goal being dinner in Rockport. Saw this little guy along the Parkway

Great dinner overlooking the St. Lawrence where I notice a young woman eating alone. After getting back on the road for the last three kilometers I passed her just before running over this:

Then she passed me☹️. Turns out she was staying at cottages in Ivy Lea and out for a walk for dinner.

Set up the tent and needed a swim (all showers are closed). Then the storm hit! Sadly, our old tent isn’t perfectly waterproof. Slept well.
