When in Rome…

Tom and Val were great hosts at my first ever Warm Shower accommodation. They welcomed me to camp in their backyard, use a bathroom at the front entrance and in lieu of a shower the use of their pool. I was in the pool within minutes of arriving. Such a relief after a stinking hot ride.

The advantage of this type of accommodation is a) finding out about the town and its history b) getting recommendations for food and drink and 3) help with route planning from a fellow cyclist.

I think hanging around the pool and general fatigue led to a slow start (also a conversation with Tom about the crack in his plumbing stack in his century old house and how to fix it without affecting the beautiful walnut panels). Sorry, where was I?

It seemed like I was getting nowhere while following Tom’s route leading to Glencoe for my first break and a bite to eat. At one point, along this quiet concession road, I see what looks like a piece of cardboard falling from the sky. As I approach the ditch where it fell a huge hawk takes off with a rodent in its mouth. There are so many things that one notices while cycling that would be missed in a car.

The skies are starting to look ugly as I head toward Bothwell. Two of the possibilities for tonight’s stay have not panned out because they were not able to meet COVID rules – I press on. In Bothwell the lightning starts and I find cover and start looking for a place to sleep for the night. This is what I find:

Sunny Glades Naturist Park Getaway

It’s now pouring rain and I’m heading up their driveway. It feels like something out of Deliverance. I find the office and a fully-clothed woman informs me that there are camp sites available. As I fill out forms I notice a completely naked man approaching with his walker. I hate that my eyes fall to his… I’m getting very uncomfortable but too tired to run away. I just hope he’s not going to talk about a crack in his plumbing stack!

I’m shown the camping area which is empty, in fact, with the exception of walker guy, I haven’t seen hide nor hair (see what I did there?) of anyone. I setup my tent and not being certain of the etiquette, strip down, grab a towel and head for the showers. There’s something liberating about having shower and heading back to my site without any worries about a change of clothes 🤓.

By now the rain and lightning have stopped and people are emerging. I’m afraid I didn’t have the balls to join in the evening swim. It rained all night so a coffee on the morning was a welcomed respite. I’m going to miss this freedom😳

As I said: when in Rome
