Final day

Okay, enough about the nudist colony.

I’ve left myself about 110 km to my final destination: Dave and Allison’s place in Windsor. The rain has given way to cooler temperatures providing much relief only hindered somewhat by a strong headwind. The good news is I’m feeling much stronger than the previous day.

Breakfast in Thamesvile then on to Chatham.

Thamesville claim to fame?

The whole trip will be along the Tecumseh route. I stopped periodically to read up on Tecumseh and the war of 1812. It appears that, in the end, Tecumseh and Brock retreat up the Thames fleeing the Americans. I have much more to learn on this topic.

The Thames

The beautiful route along the Thames brings me to the shores of Lake St. Clair.

This is such and interesting area with inland waterways, streams and creeks. It’s made all the more interesting because of the water level in the lake. The water is over the break walls lapping up on people’s lawns.

I’m getting close now and can almost taste the beer awaiting me.

Detour pffft

This detour would have added several kilometres to the trip so I took a chance. The bridge replacement was almost done and the construction site vacant so I picked up my bike and snuck across.

My last stop was Urban Surf for a smoothie where the owner grilled me on my trip and didn’t believe I came all the way from Ottawa for her smoothies.

It was certainly
“The place to be”

In the end, nine days of cycling, one rest day and just over 900 km

Thanks for following (all three of you).

2 Replies to “Final day”

    • Thanks Veera! It really feels great and I had so much fun doing it and seeing people along the way
