Thanksgiving Ride

Leading up to the long weekend we three retirees are heading out for what may be our last group ride of the year. No camping gear this time; we’re heading north west from Ottawa for a possible bite to eat at the Heart and Soul or perhaps a beer and a burger at the Ridge Rock Brewing. Bill’s been doing the indoor spinning with TJ Fit so our expectations of his strength are high. There will be an update on Charles’s taint. We’re hoping it’s toughened up a bit since Murphy’s Point.

There was a difference of opinion about the length of my planned route and that perhaps I had been a bit over optimistic. We’ll see.

I knew it was going to be a day of laughs when a Lycra-clad cyclist few by us with holes in his tights and the materia on his ass so threadbare that I could see his manscaping efforts.

Is Charles over dressed?

After wending our way through Kanata we make the decision to head down the Old Carp Road. We’ve already missed closing time for the Heart and Soul and I’m now thinking about beer and a burger at the brewery (and alliterations).

We’re the only ones on the patio, it’s reasonably warm when the sun’s out, so we register and order beer and physically distance.

Is Charles overdressed?😳

Lots of laughs and banter with our server about flying carpets, Ninja Turtles and Transformers. I think we accused her of being high; I can only guess what she said about us in private.

Bikes had to stay off the patio. Real bikes anyway.

I almost forgot: while stopped on Old Carp, a fellow cyclist passed us. A little while later we approached him on the side of the road where I asked him if he needed anything — uh no!

It wasn’t until arriving at the brewery that Charles and Bill mentioned how rude he was. There was speculation that all Kona riders may be problems🤭.

Aside: we were all impressed by the toilets at Ridge Rock. The urinals were cutout beer kegs but it was Bill’s discovery of a plaque in the basement noting that thieves had tunneled from this location to the Scotiabank across the street and cleaned out the safety deposit boxes. This was pre WWI when mistrust in banks led people to put their cash in safety deposit boxes. They were never caught!

We head home along Old Carp again this time with the wind at our backs.

As Charles and I said our goodbyes to Bill I was thinking that this was one of my most enjoyable rides. So many laughs.

2 Replies to “Thanksgiving Ride”

  1. Great post and it was definitely a great ride. I loved when our server came out and said “every time I come out you guys are laughing”, and “you guys made my day”. A great ride indeed.
