About Paul

Love cycling for anything from groceries, commuting or touring. Brompton is my only bike these days!

On the seventh day…

We will rest. Not only do we start out well rested, but our tents are dry, we’re clean and ready for another day of climbing. But first, another treasure: I’ve mentioned this before, but cycling really affords one a different Continue reading On the seventh day…

The Highlands

Rained all night. We’re dry. Warm coffee. And another fire by Charles. Today we’ll discover why it’s called the Haliburton Highlands. Our first fifteen kilometres is down into Bancroft. The skies are threatening. I decide to make grilled cheese and Continue reading The Highlands

Bill and Sustainable Living

The plan for day four was to stick with Highway 62 for most of the day. A good choice. A break at Madoc’s first Mosque and we noticed two cyclist coming the opposite way. They immediately shot across to our Continue reading Bill and Sustainable Living

Quick update

I know many of you are on the edge of your seats waiting for the next update: 🙄 it’s coming, promise. For now, know that we’re in Haliburton after one of the hilliest rides of my life, we’re exhausted and Continue reading Quick update

The road to Madoc

From the previous post, you may not be surprised that we were reluctant to get on the rail path immediately out of Sharbot Lake. More importantly, before doing anything, we stopped at the coffee shop for another great sandwich and Continue reading The road to Madoc

Sharbot Lake

Charles warned me that there’d be some areas along the rail trail that might be questionable. So after picking up toilet paper in Perth we stayed along Christie Lake Road for as long as possible before getting on the trail. Continue reading Sharbot Lake

Short jaunt to Carleton Place

Day one is a moderate start to our trip with a visit and stay in Adam and Sylvia’s back yard. Carleton Place is home to Stalwart Brewing Co. which just happens to be founded by Adam and his friends. I Continue reading Short jaunt to Carleton Place

Training Plan

Yes, that was a joke. The “plan” is to train during the trip although Charles and I rode a perfect parallelogram out in Metcalfe yesterday in the name of training. We have an update about which Charles and I are Continue reading Training Plan

Thanksgiving Ride

Leading up to the long weekend we three retirees are heading out for what may be our last group ride of the year. No camping gear this time; we’re heading north west from Ottawa for a possible bite to eat Continue reading Thanksgiving Ride

Day Two

Everyone appeared to have had a good night’s sleep and I put on coffee immediately while waiting for breakfast. The weather report was for a tail wind, a welcomed bit of information. Charles seemed to be happy with his new Continue reading Day Two