Nursing an injury

So much to cover as we unwind on the shores of Lake Nipissing outside our camper.

Today’s discussion is less about cycling and more about the myriad people with whom we’ve engaged in social intercourse:

The Rocket

It’s import to understand Charles and his gregarious personality. He loves engaging with strangers and he does so with such sincerity.

Richard (pronounced Ree-shar) was named after Maurice ‘the Rocket’ Richard. He was staying a few cabins down from us in Sunridge.


Charles earned big points by referring to Richard as the Rocket.

Richard starts talking to us about his life, his wife Ellaway and his passion for music. He was raised in foster care, has a daughter that he doesn’t see at all due in part to cocaine and meth misuse and he’s a proud singer.

He and Charles we’re having an amazing discussion about bands and the two of them were having a great time talking about their favourite musicians; Kirt Cobain, Metallica to name a few. I, of course, was lost but enjoyed the banter nonetheless.

In the morning Ella comes over with her portfolio over which Richard lauded praise the night before. She’s honestly very talented. I was informed that some of her works would be better viewed with 3D glasses:

Mary Lou and Frank

Bill’s wife Sue has a cousin Pat in Sunridge who owns the Blue Roof restaurant. Unfortunately they were closed on the days of our stay so we were unable to partake. However…

Approaching South River I noticed this woman running across to our side of road, “are you cycling with Bill Baggs?”

Mary Lou is Pat’s sister and was in South River with her hubby Frank (to buy beer) and just happened to see us. We had a lovely conversation about their history, family members we knew in common, golf and so much more.

Super nice people.

To be continued
