Sudbury at last

Alban, which is a couple of kilometres from the Beauséjour, has historical significance for Charles. His grandfather’s camp on Trout Lake, in its early days, was only accessible from the south shore and so the family had to go south Continue reading Sudbury at last

Our best ride day

Charles wanted to take me on a tour of Sturgeon Falls before heading out of town. The impression one gets from the Trans Canada is not a good indication of the town’s character. Charles’ grandfather is from Sturgeon and he Continue reading Our best ride day

Kate Pace Way

When we told the Rocket we were going to North Bay he got all excited about the Kate Pace Way and insisted we check it out. After coffee and oatmeal in the camper trailer we said our goodbyes to Kevin Continue reading Kate Pace Way


continued from previous post Vicky the cyclist We’re almost at the end of our day’s journey, stopped at the end of a driveway, when a pickup truck signals as it approaches. “What are the odds that the owner would arrive Continue reading Nipissing

Nursing an injury

So much to cover as we unwind on the shores of Lake Nipissing outside our camper. Today’s discussion is less about cycling and more about the myriad people with whom we’ve engaged in social intercourse: The Rocket It’s import to Continue reading Nursing an injury


Warning: this article contains behaviour not typical of normal adults. We packed up from our motel and headed out. This was one of the most bucolic of routes to date where the climbs were shorter but much steeper. First stop Continue reading Sunridge


Both of us are pleased with a day off from the bikes. A perfect opportunity to do our laundry. Huntsville has six cannabis dispensaries so here’s an idea: let’s get some edibles then go do the laundry! Next thing I Continue reading Huntsville

On the seventh day…

We will rest. Not only do we start out well rested, but our tents are dry, we’re clean and ready for another day of climbing. But first, another treasure: I’ve mentioned this before, but cycling really affords one a different Continue reading On the seventh day…

The Highlands

Rained all night. We’re dry. Warm coffee. And another fire by Charles. Today we’ll discover why it’s called the Haliburton Highlands. Our first fifteen kilometres is down into Bancroft. The skies are threatening. I decide to make grilled cheese and Continue reading The Highlands

Bill and Sustainable Living

The plan for day four was to stick with Highway 62 for most of the day. A good choice. A break at Madoc’s first Mosque and we noticed two cyclist coming the opposite way. They immediately shot across to our Continue reading Bill and Sustainable Living