Brockville Merrickville Home

Another nice ride along the Waterfront trail brought us to Guildwood Station where we will catch a train to Brockville. So nice breaking up the usual nine-hour trip into smaller segments. We arrive in Brockville, find the Tait’s Bakery and Continue reading Brockville Merrickville Home

Toronto’s Waterfront

This is a recovery of a post that went somewhere into the ether… It would have been much easier to write a small post after each riding day but it seemed I was lacking inspiration at times (and was into Continue reading Toronto’s Waterfront

On our way

Part of travel for us at this point in time is finding a place for Ricky. He’s too much maintenance to leave at home and unfortunately our usual kennel was booked. We found Belinda who has five cats of her Continue reading On our way

Have I said enough about Bromptons?

After 15,000km on my bike I noticed a pulsing action in the back wheel when braking. At first I thought I had some grease on the rim but it didn’t go away. Turns out there was a long crack all Continue reading Have I said enough about Bromptons?