Can’t really call it Golfing

A beautiful drive from Halifax to the Island brought us to Cabot Links, one the of top courses in the world. To say it was beyond my abilities would be an understatement. A beautiful course in an incredible setting made then experience unforgettable. The caliber of golf — very forgettable.

Roger hits a beautiful shot framed by the ocean and a kite boarder
Dave at low tide, and maybe low score too
Looking down (figuratively) at the foursome behind us — Steve, Keith, Carl and Jeff
We approached eighteen, it was dusk and we wondered where all our balls got to

The eight of us were exhausted after a day of walking and climbing so it was quite nice to finish at the pub on the compound. Good food and some tasty local craft beer. We capped the night off with Rob leading a toast to Gary (and Lomond) — recorded and shared with him with the help of our server Caroline.

Bell Bay at Baddeck

Golf day two sees us up early for an hour drive to Baddeck for the second round of golf. A much less challenging course in beautiful surroundings. We played much better but I can’t help but think that we’ll be forever comparing courses to Cabot Links.

A harrowing exit from the course on a one way driveway takes us to Baddeck where Rob finds a little gem for a snack and refreshments. Great pizza and beer out on the back deck of Baddeck followed by an hour drive takes us to the Glenora Distillery where Keith books and treats us to a private tour. Fascinating story of a man who saw the potential, sought the expertise of a Scot and brought his dream to fruition. Sadly, given the 10 years required for aging, he died before tasting his first batch.

Last Supper

Penny rounded up half the group for an evening dip in the ocean then we all met in the Panorama room for a terrific meal, good wine and lots of laughs. Penny and I bid bid farewell to the group and readied ourselves for stage two of our trip…

2 Replies to “Can’t really call it Golfing”

    • It was, we would be on the tee or the green and be in awe of what was around us – to hell with the golf 🤓
