Kate Pace Way

When we told the Rocket we were going to North Bay he got all excited about the Kate Pace Way and insisted we check it out.

After coffee and oatmeal in the camper trailer we said our goodbyes to Kevin and his wife, their kids and of course the chickens (who seemed to be getting along okay).

A much cooler morning for cycling and the route into Calendar is perfect. We pulled into a roadside stopped that offered this beautiful view of the bay of Lake Nipissing.

Not the first cyclists we’d meet today, these guys were out for a morning ride and also told us of their annual ride where they circle the lake. They noted that we would have no issues if we were to take the divided highway on our trip – we’ve been seeking this reassurance for some time.

Nice to know that cycling is a lifetime activity

Next is the Foodland for lunch that we enjoyed at a park along the water. I was schooled by a young girl who was looking for monarch caterpillars to raise on her own. She told me that monarchs only lay eggs on milkweed and milkweed is their only food source.


Now comes the much anticipated Kate Pace Way. We find its start beside a golf course and within minutes we’re overtaken by a cyclist. We both remark on how fit this guy looks – he’s older than us to boot. He stops to ask if we needed guidance, we say we’re okay.

At the next decision point he’s waiting for us. Get this – Charles engages! Pete is a resident of Calander on his way to his favourite muffin shop. Before too long I can hear him and Charles talking about teachers and coaches they had in common and Pete is aware of several Robineaus as well as Charles’ grandfather’s shop in Sturgeon. Yet another small world moment.

Kate Pace essentially bipasses North Bay so now all that remains is the dreaded Highway 17 to Surgeon Falls. We break at a park on Nipissing before heading out. Pete returns with two muffins for our trip 😋

Pete Devine

In retrospect, Highway 17 was reasonable. It is a twenty-five kilometre straight stretch of road with lots of traffic and trucks. We put our heads down, take advantage of a tailwind and find ourselves at the Lincoln motel looking at this spectacular view:

The Lincoln
