Sharbot Lake

Charles warned me that there’d be some areas along the rail trail that might be questionable. So after picking up toilet paper in Perth we stayed along Christie Lake Road for as long as possible before getting on the trail. This section was super soft and a tough go. We exited and took a rolling road for a while which I loved.

There was a sign saying that the path was closed until June 11th however we ran into the workers leaving the path and they said we’d be able to get through okay.

What’s that in the road, a head?

The path was okay for the most part. That is until the last ten kilometres from this beautiful bridge.

The rocks started getting bigger and we were bouncing all over the place. I’ve never experienced such a slow ten kilometres in my life. It was probably an hour and a half before pulling in to Sharbot Lake, but well worth it. This is the view from our balcony:

Sharbot Lake

And this is what was served on the balcony

Perth Brewery Calypso

There was a group of guys staying at the motel that were part of a team using helicopters to spray for Gypsy moth. An interesting conversation; these guys are travelling all over Canada spraying for various pests that are affecting our forests.

We picked up really great steaks and a salad from the grocery store that Charles cooked on the barbecue, watch Toronto loose and one once again had a great night’s sleep.

2 Replies to “Sharbot Lake”

  1. I love Sharbot Lake. Haven’t been there in years though. Looks like the motel that we stayed at.

  2. I was very impressed with the hotel and the whole town too. We miss so much sitting on Highway 7 bypassing these gems
