Slight change of plans

Alfred mentioned that the ferry at Englishtown is out of commission. The alternate route to get to our destination was more than we could handle so Day 4 will now take use to the Chanterelle Inn in North River Bridge. First we’ll have to climb Mt. Smokey:

The Lodge

We went for a hike right next to our cottage to start the day, then for a bike ride back to our new favourite café. I’ve never had fish cakes for breakfast – mmmm.

A quiet day reading followed by a drink in the sitting room of the lodge. Were joined by a couple from Hamilton and had a fun discussion about Trump and Ford. Needless to say they were like-minded.

Day 4

We leave the park now and after about ten kilometres Penny spots this on a tree leading down to the lagoon:

The Smokey mountain, from our approach was a very gradual 270 m climb, a long haul but much more pleasant than our climb out of Pleasant Bay.

What we achieved in elevation over the last hour and a half was lost in a matter of minutes as I screamed down a winding route to once again follow the coast.

First break was at a Dutch restaurant call the Dancing Moose—halfway now to our destination. They had a kitten and four chickens around the patio, explains why the fried egg sandwich was so fresh. Stop two is the Clucking Hen for a couple of beers. Penny couldn’t get out of her pedal and it turned out that one cleat screw had come loose. She was very close to losing it (the screw)! One more beer and were on our way.


I know I’ve be going on and on about the climbs and the beautiful vistas, but today was mostly about battling headwinds. The remainder of the trip was on a very good quality road and all against the wind. Arrived at the Chanterelle with very little left in reserve and isn’t their driveway a climb of about 30 metres in elevation. Worth every bit of energy.

We’re sitting out on the deck having yet another beer and talking to Nancy our server. I think, in the few minutes we’ve chatted with her, I could write a whole post about her:

  • She’s native Cape Breton,
  • Married an American Vietnam veteran,
  • Hates Trump and all he stands for,
  • She really opened up about the challenges of being married to a vet who was not only rejected by his country but still suffers from the effects of a brutal war
  • At the risk of being repetitive, the island folk are so real, no pretense whatsoever.

3 Replies to “Slight change of plans”

  1. 13% for 4km! Well done.
    Just for reference: Col du Galibier is 7% for 18km with a max of 10%. Easy in comparison. Now come and have a go at Hardknott Pass – 33% max!
    Loved the blog and reading about an area we’ve never been to.

    • Is Hardknott that race you mentioned when we were in the Lake District? I might have to try it on the Brompton 😉
