Strathroy’s Warm Shower

I’ll get to Strathroy and my accommodation in the next entry.

Packing up in the morning after my day off, I could tell already that this was going to be a hot day! Said a quick goodbye to Beth and stocked up with drinks at the gas station and was off. This was going to be one of the longer rides with the bonus of going through towns I’ve never visited before.

Approaching Stratford

I’m sure Stratford would be bustling in normal times, today it was very quiet though still very picturesque along the river. I took many breaks along the way leading me to St Mary’s.

There is only one train
per day now!

Trivia question #1

Did you know the Canada’s baseball Hall of Fame is in St. Mary’s? Whooda thunk?

Trivia question #2

Again, whooda thunk?

Now it’s a mental slog to get to my destination, the aforementioned Warm Shower in Strathroy before the cows come home.

Damn, it’s getting late
This is what was waiting at the
Warm Shower

2 Replies to “Strathroy’s Warm Shower”

  1. I actually knew the hall of fame was there as Theo has played several tournaments in St Mary’s. So much great Expos memorabilia in the HOF. My childhood!
