Vancouver Island

We’re leaving Grace (temporarily) for a week on Vancouver Island where Penny will have lessons with her coach Jennifer. Jennifer and Keith will be putting us up in the apartment on the grounds. This will be a major step up from Jericho.

Getting there

After spending the day with Grace perusing the thrift shops on 4th Avenue followed up by sangria and a Mexican dinner with Rianna, it was time to say good-bye.

Rain was threatening as we left the hostel for the bakery (our morning routine since arriving). As it would turn out, the two buses to the ferry dock, plus the ferry crossing itself, would be in the rain; fortunately the remaining ride would be dry.

Horseshoe Bay


Eighteen years ago we’d be at this exact spot heading to Port Hardy for a kayaking adventure when things would go awry:

The ferry, Queen of Oak Bay, arrives then suddenly starts blasting its horn. Constantly. People start running and the ferry, instead of approaching the berth, goes off course and ends up crushing boats in the marina.

Fortunately no such drama today.

The Rider Mechanic

Our bike ride was mostly along a busy highway but finished more calmly along quieter roads heading here:

Coombs, BC

This is where Penny will have her lessons and where we’ll spend afternoons exploring the area.
