On the seventh day…

We will rest.

Not only do we start out well rested, but our tents are dry, we’re clean and ready for another day of climbing.

But first, another treasure:

Our new theme (there’s something in your teeth)

I’ve mentioned this before, but cycling really affords one a different perspective from which to discover nature and meet people at a much slower pace.


Our first stop was a picnic area along Highway 118. We both needed our chains cleaned a lubed after the dusty paths and rain.

Václav has just pulled into the parking lot for a smoke and shortly thereafter we’re chatting. Václav came to Canada in ‘71 and proceeds to tell us the story of how he and his wife escaped from Czechoslovakia.

“We were attending a conference in Paris accompanied by two police officers who were there to ensure our return. My cousin was living in France and was able to work with the Canadian government and get us plane tickets

I got a bit confused after this but it kind of went like this:

The customs officer put my wife’s passport at the bottom of the pile. I told her to hide. I hid in the toilets until we thought it was safe. It was pouring rain as I ran from the airport. The police guards weren’t willing to get wet. I was a long-distance runner in high school. Getting a cab where I didn’t speak French, I uttered the name of the other Parisian airport indicating five minutes (which meant as fast as possible)

Václav and his wife are hoping to go to Europe soon to visit his mother-in-law who’s 97.

On to Huntsville

We bid Václav goodbye heading to Dorset along some beautiful lakes.


We just barely broke one hundred kilometres for the first time on this trip.

Have a look here to see what we got up to in Huntsville

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